Astrological Predictions For today's solar eclipse time

wo isÿ jk jif¾ uq,au iQ¾h.%yKh
,.ak ish,a,gu n,mdk yeá

fïI - wNsfhda. ueo ch

iQ¾h .%yKh isÿjQfha tfldf<dia jeks Ndjfha neúka ñ;=rka ksid wjdis w;aú¢kakg isÿúh yel' ,efnkakg kshñ; Wiiaùï m%udo fjhs' jeäuy,a fidhqre fidhqßhka iuÕ .egqïldß ;;a;ajhka Woa.;ùfï m%jK;djhla mj;S'

ckau flakaøfha ,.akdêm;s l=c wg Yks iuÕ fhda. ù" .uka lrhs' úfYaIfhka fï i;sfha fndfyda .%yfhda p;=rY% oDIaá fyda ima;u oDIaáj,g yiqù .uka lrhs'

tardIaglhlao fï i;sfha n,meje;afjk neúka hula bgqlr .ekSug fndfyda W;aidy l< hq;=h' /lshd lghq;=" m%N+ weiqr" orejkaf.a lghq;= wdÈfha§ úfYaIfhka wjysr;d we;súh yels w;r flá .uka ìuka" wi,ajeishka iuÕ weiqr" .súiqï wiaika lsÍu" fldka;%d;a" tackais lghq;=" odk udk jeks wd.ñl ia:dk iuÕ isÿlrk lghq;= mdfya ish¨‍ ffoksl l%shdldrlïys§ wNsfhda. wjysr;d t,a,fõ'

úreoaO ,sx.slhka iuÕ wksis in|;d we;súh yel' Wiia wOHdmkfha kshq;= whg wjysr;d mek k.S'

jDIN - Wreu ysñlï ,efí

iQ¾h .%yKh isÿjQfha oyjekafkah' /lshd lghq;=j,g wksis f,i n,mdkq we;' /lshd wjia:d m%udoh" wkjYH j.lSï mejÍu" jD;a;Sh lghq;=j,§ oeä úfõpk" wmjdo jeks úúO oE úh yel' fï ld,fha ,.akdêm;s isl=re o l=c iuÕ p;=rY%hlg yiqj kel;l .uka lrhs' uqo,a wmyiq;d we;súh yels ld,hls' Okia:dk wêm;shdo wY=N oDIaáhlska mSvdjg m;aj we;s neúka ,efnkakg kshñ; uqo,a mjd m%udo fjhs' bvï" fjk;a foam<" f.a fodr f.dvke.s,s iïnkaO lghq;=o w;ru. wekysák ;;a;ajhlg m;aúh yel' kj jHdmdrj, .egqï j¾Okh fjhs' wUqieñhka w;r wñysß oE ;;a;ajhka mek k.S'

/lshd udrejg" mÈxÑh fjkilg wjia:dj Wodúh yel' fma%u in|;d .egqïldÍ jd;djrKhlg yef¾'

ñ:qk - bjiSu fyd|hs

iQ¾h.%yKh kj jekafkah' fï ld,fha ÿr jkaokd .ukaj,ska j<lskak' m%N+" mQcH mlaIh" úoaj;=ka" wdpd¾hjre fukau Wiia wh iuÕ .egqï ks¾udKh úh yels neúka mßiaifuka lghq;= lrkak' kS;s .eg¨‍ u;=úh yel' ìhlre isysk olS' ,.akdêm;s nqO kjfha .uka lrkqfha p;=rY%hlg yiqfjhs' ish¨‍ ld¾hhka iM, ler .ekSug wdhdihla oeßh hq;=h' mshd iuÕ .egqï we;súh yel' Wiia wOHdmkhg ndOd t,a, fõ' wi,ajdiS whl= iuÕ fma%u in|;djhl meg,sh yel' m%;sjd§ka iuÕ .egqï fkdkj;S' flfia jQjo mrdch fkdfõ' hg;a fiajlhka iuÕ o .egqï jeäfjhs'

mjq,a Ôú;fha úril;d j¾Okh fjhs' fiajd ia:dkj, .egqï ks¾udKh úh yel' wi,ajeishka iuÕo úril j¾Okh fjhs'

lgl - udkisl wiykh

iQ¾h.%yKh isÿjkafka wg jeks Ndjfhah' Ok ydks újdy Ôú;fha .egqï" frda.dndOd" udkisl wiykh" kvqyn jeks úúO .eg¨‍ u;=úh yels neúka mßiaifuka tÈfkod lghq;=j, ksr; fjkak'

uqo,a wjysr;d we;s fõ' orejka ksid mSvd fukau úhoï o wêl fjhs' .eìks ud;djka jvd;a mßiaiï jkak'

yjq,a jHdmdr lghq;=j,§ .egqï jeä fõ' foam< Wreu ysñlï ms<sn| m%Yak fukau kvqyn wdÈhg fya;= jkq we;' jD;a;Sh lghq;= wNsfhda.hg ,la fõ' ifydaorhka ksid úhoï wêl fjhs' ys;=jlaldr fma%u in|;d we;slr .kS' mjq,a Ôú;fha oeä úril u;= fjhs'

nyq, jQ p;=rY% yd ima;u oDIaáj, úmdl Wiia wOHdmkhg iudc lghq;=j,g fukau jdiia:dk lghq;=j,go n,mdkq we;' úfoia.; ùfï W;aidyh u,aM, .kS'

isxy - N+ñfhka ch

iQ¾h .%yKfha n,mEu Tfí ckau flakaorhg t,a,ùfuka mjqf,a .egqïldÍ iajNdjh jeäúh yel' yjq,a jHdmdrj, u; .egqï ksid fjkajk ;;a;ajhg m;a fõ' fï i;sfha ,.akfha .=re jl% ù rdyq iuÕ .uka lrhs'

uqo,a" ksjdi" f.dvke.s,s wdY%s; lghq;= w;ru. k;r fõ' ke;skï m%udo fjhs' .Dyia: lghq;=" jdiia:dk" mßirh wñysß ;;a;ajhla we;s lrhs' foam< .ekSï" úls‚ï jeks .kqfokqj,g ueÈy;a fjhs' mdi,a wOHdmkhg ;jÿrg;a wjysr;d u;= fõ'

Kh .ekSï" fldka;%d;a" jHdmdr" m;,a" wdlr" lDIsl¾uh" j;=msá" YS;lrK" .nvd" jdhqiukh iy N+ñh iïnkaOfhka kï l=uk ld¾hhl fhÿK;a hï id¾:l;ajhla Wodfõ'

lkHd - ndOl biau;= fjhs

fiajd ia:dkj, .egqï ks¾udKh ùug iQ¾h.%yKfha n,mEu fya;=úh yel' y§is frda. ksid Kh fjhs' uõmi {d;Ska úril úh yel' ffoksl lghq;= w;miq fjhs'

,.akdêm;s nqO p;=rY% oDIaáhlska mSvdjg m;aj yhjekafka .uka lrkafka rdyqf.a kelf;ah' fï msysàu t;rï iqn ke;' frda. W;aikakj frday,a.;ùugo bv we;'

udkisl wiykh" wi,ajeishka iuÕ wukdmh jeäÈhqKq fjhs' ksjdi" bvlvï .kqfokqjlg ueÈúh yel' tjeks foa ms<sn| kvq yno we;súh yel' wOHdmkhg ndOd meñfKa' keÕkshlf.ka fyda ;u u,a,Sf.ka Wmldr ,efí' mqKH lghq;= odk udk wdÈhg úhoï orhs'

;=,d - .egqï ueo wdodhï

iQ¾h.%yKh isÿjkafka kjjekafkah' .kakd ;Skaÿ ;SrK wjdis iy.; úh yels neúka blauka ;SrKj,ska j<lskak' l,amkdldÍ fkdjqfKd;a udkisl wiykh we;s fõ' orejka ksid lror we;súh yel' úfYaIfhka .eìks uõjre mßiaiï úh hq;= ld,hls'

,.akdêm;s Y=l% l=cf.a kelf;a miajekafka .uka lrhs' p;=rY%hlao we;' fma%uh fya;=fjka wr., we;s fõ' wmjdohg ,lafjhs'

frda.d;=r whg udrl ;;a;ajhla we;súh yel' wdodhï ,eîfï lghq;=j,§ b;d Y+r" iglmg" WmamrjeÜá wdÈh Ndú;d lrhs' flfia jQjo fldka;%d;a" yjq,a jHdmdr wdÈfha kshef,kafka kï .egqï we;s jQjo wdodhï ,nhs'

m%N+ka úfYaIfhka kS;sfõ§ka" foaYmd,k{hska" mQcH mlaIh iuÕ u;fNao ks¾udKh úh yel' wOHdmkh ,nkakkag fyd|hs' úfoia.;ùug n,dfmdfrd;a;=jkakgo krl ke;' bvlvï foam<j,ska wdodhï by< hhs'

jDYaÑl - yÈis uqo,a jdis

isõjekafka iQ¾h.%yKh isÿfjhs' {d;Ska iuÕ úril we;s fjhs' wOHdmkhg hï ndOd u;=úh yel' is;=ú,s úlD;s ù is; m%pKav úug n,mdkq we;' uj yÈisfha ‍frda.S úh yel'

,.akfha tardIaGl ;;a;ajhg ,.akdêm;shdo odhl ù we;' l=c yh wêm;shd ksid;a frda.dndO .ek jvd;a mßiaiï úh hq;=h' úfYaIfhka ia;%Ska iïnkaO wkjYH j.lSï" wmjdo n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkak'

m%;sjdÈka iuÕ wkjYH .egqïj,g k;= úh yel' úfYaIfhka ;u fiajd ia:dkfha bvlvï foam< iïnkaOfhka u; .egqï úh yels neúka mßiaifuka lghq;= lrkak'

ia;%S mlaIh fukau jdyk fya;=fjka úhou wêl fjhs' mjq,a Èúh kSri fjhs' ;djld,sl fyda fjkaùï fmkajhs' foam< úlsKSfï .kqfokqj,ska jdis w;a fõ' iq¿ jYfhka fyda yÈis uqo,a jdis ,nhs'

Okq - wOHdmk ch

iQ¾h .%yKfha n,mEu Tng;a hï ;rulska n,mdhs' flá .uka ksid mdvq fjhs' udkislj lvd jefÜ' .kqfokq .súiqï wdÈfha § mßiaiï jkak' iïnkaëlrK lghq;= lvdlmam,a fjhs' m%jdyk wxYfha lghq;=j,ska jvd;a mßiaiu fyd|hs'

wOHdmkh l=uk wNsfhda.hla jQjo chf.k bÈßhg lrf.khhs' iQÿ TÜgq wvudk jHdmdr wdÈfha fh§ isákakkag mdvq fjhs' .kakd ;SrK ksje/È jQj;a wjdis w;g yef¾'

wi,ajdiSka nd,;u fyda {d;s fyda fidhqre fidhqßhka iuÕ .egqï ks¾udKh fjhs' ñ;=rkaf.ka yd jeäuy,a fidhqre fidhqßhkaf.ka Woõ ,nd.kakg isÿfõ'

/lshd fjkialï ia:dk udre wdÈhg miqìu ielfia' flfia jQjo m%N+" kS;sfõ§" mQcH" wdpd¾hjre wd§kaf.ka Wmldr ,efí' yÈis ys;=jlaldr fmï in|;d we;s fõ' fï ksid wmjdo ,nhs' jdyk wk;=rej,ska mßiaiï jkak'

ulr - foam< ksrjq,a fjhs

.%ykh isÿjkafka fojk Ndjfha ksid uqo,a lror" lgjer§u ksid mdvq wdÈhg fya;=úh yel' {d;s úfhdajla oefkkq we;'

,.akdêm;s Yks tlf<dia jekafka .uka lrkqfha yh" kjh wêm;sf.a kelf;ah' tfld<y wêm;shd l=c iuÕo fhda.j we;'

iuia;hla f,i fuh n,j;a .%ypdrhla jQjo rdyq .=ref.a kele;aj, .ukalrk fyhska yÈis Ok ydks úh yel' kuq;a f,d;/hs jdikd" ysÕ uqo,a" mdßf;daIs; §ukd" rlaIKh jeks wu;r jdis ,eîfï m%jK;djhla we;' .;s biau;= fjhs' fma%u in|;d iM, fjhs' ryia fmï in|;d fy<s fõ' Ydia;%Sh lghq;= ÈhqKq fjhs' úfoia.;ùug wä;d,u jefgkq we;' bvlvï foam< ksrjq,a lr.; yel' tjeks kvq ;‍sfí kï jdis ,nhs'

l=ïN - wfmalaId m%udohs

iQ¾h .%ykh isÿjQfha l=ïN rdYsfha .=ref.a kelf;a neúka mßiaiï jkak' wmjdo" kskaod" wkjYH j.lSï" ysfia frda. yDo frda. wdÈhg bv we;'

,.akdêm;s Yks my" wg wêm;s nqof.a kelf;a .uka lsÍu;a l=c iuÕ fhda.ùu;a fya;=fjka jD;a;Sh lghq;=j,g wjysr;d we;sùfï m%jK;djh jeäh' fiajd ia:dkj, .egqï ks¾udKh úh yel' rdcldß wêl fjhs'

ke;skï f.dv .efia' mßmd,kuh n,hla ;sfnk wh whq;= f,i lghq;= lsÍug fm<fò'

,.akdêm;s yd fol wêm;s p;=rY% oDIaáj,g yiqù isák fyhska wdodhï ud¾. uola wjysr fjhs' wfmalaId bgqùu m%udoùug;a È.a.eiaiSug;a fya;= we;s fõ'

ók - ndOd tughs

iQ¾h.%ykh fodf<dia jeks Ndjfha isÿùu ksid ryia i;=re l=uka;%K ysi Tijhs' wêlj wdfhdack fhoùug isÿfõ' isr.;ùugo bv we;' ÿr .ukaj,ska mdvq isÿfjhs' mdofha yd wefia wdndO we;súh yel'

,.akdêm;s Yks l=c iuÕ fhda.ù we;s fï i;sfha§ iodpdr úfrdaë woyia biau;= úh yel'

wOHdmkhg ndOd meñfKa' wêl úhoï" fiajd ia:dkfha lghq;= l,g fõ,djg isÿlsÍug fkdyelsùu" mjq,a ðú;fha lror" kvq ynj,g meg,ùu wd§ úúO m%YakldÍ ;;a;ajhkag uqyqK§ug we;s bv jeäh'

ÿr fyda úfoia jkaokd .uka hdug oeä fia ndOd t,a, fõ' mshd iuÕ .egqï ks¾udKh fõ'

m%ùK fcHd;sIfõ§ mdkÿf¾
frdayka ùrr;ak
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